Sunday, 28 February 2010


Thought For The Day

It is a very difficult task to secure a good
Guru. Sishyas (disciples) can become
exemplary persons only when a real Guru
accepts them. When pure-hearted, unselfish
and non-egoistic students approach a Guru,
the Guru exults in ecstatic delight. Parikshith,
the Emperor, renounced everything and
decided to realise God, and, right at that
moment, Maharshi Suka appeared, to guide
him straight to his goal. Similarly, when the
good Sishyas get good Gurus, they succeed
not only in attaining Bliss but also in conferring
peace, prosperity and joy upon the entire world.

- Baba


Saturday, 27 February 2010


Thought For The day

It is a very difficult task to secure a
good Guru. Sishyas (disciples) can
become exemplary persons only when
a real Guru accepts them. When pure-
hearted, unselfish and non-egoistic
students approach a Guru, the Guru
exults in ecstatic delight. Parikshith, the
Emperor, renounced everything and
decided to realise God, and, right at t
hat moment, Maharshi Suka appeared,
to guide him straight to his goal. Similarly,
when the good Sishyas get good Gurus,
they succeed not only in attaining Bliss
but also in conferring peace, prosperity
and joy upon the entire world.

- Baba


Friday, 26 February 2010


Thought For The Day

It is a very difficult task to secure a good
Guru. Sishyas (disciples) can become
exemplary persons only when a real Guru
accepts them. When pure-hearted, unselfish
and non-egoistic students approach a Guru,
the Guru exults in ecstatic delight. Parikshith,
the Emperor, renounced everything and
decided to realise God, and, right at that
moment, Maharshi Suka appeared, to guide
him straight to his goal. Similarly, when the
good Sishyas get good Gurus, they succeed
not only in attaining Bliss but also in conferring
peace, prosperity and joy upon the entire world.

- Baba


Thursday, 25 February 2010


Thought For The Day

It is a very difficult task to secure a
good Guru. Sishyas (disciples) can
become exemplary persons only when
a real Guru accepts them. When pure-
hearted, unselfish and non-egoistic
students approach a Guru, the Guru
exults in ecstatic delight. Parikshith,
the Emperor, renounced everything and
decided to realise God, and, right at that
moment, Maharshi Suka appeared, to
guide him straight to his goal. Similarly,
when the good Sishyas get good Gurus,
they succeed not only in attaining Bliss
 but also in conferring peace, prosperity
and joy upon the entire world.


Wednesday, 24 February 2010


Thought For The Day

It is mentioned that "Success begets success.
" But how is success to be achieved and what
is the success you should aim at? The Bhagavad
Geeta declares: "Shraddhavan Labhathe Jnanam"
 (The persevering seeker secures wisdom). This
means that without perseverance and earnestness
no success can be achieved. Man is not able to
make significant progress towards the Divine
because of absence of strenuous striving in the
spiritual sphere. Without spiritual practice,
reading religious books and listening to spiritual
discourses have no value. Study of scriptures and
reciting God's names may be good acts in themselves.
But, if there is no love, which is the basis of all
Sadhana (spiritual discipline), they are of no use.

- Baba


Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Thought For The Day

It is a very difficult task to secure a good
Guru. Sishyas (disciples) can become
exemplary persons only when a real Guru
accepts them. When pure-hearted, unselfish
and non-egoistic students approach a Guru,
the Guru exults in ecstatic delight. Parikshith,
the Emperor, renounced everything and decided
to realise God, and, right at that moment, Maharshi
Suka appeared, to guide him straight to his goal.
Similarly, when the good Sishyas get good Gurus,
they succeed not only in attaining Bliss but also in
conferring peace, prosperity and joy upon the entire

- Baba


Monday, 22 February 2010

wood carving


Sunday, 21 February 2010


Thought For The Day

It is a very difficult task to secure a good
Guru. Sishyas (disciples) can become
exemplary persons only when a real Guru
accepts them. When pure-hearted, unselfish
and non-egoistic students approach a Guru,
the Guru exults in ecstatic delight. Parikshith,
the Emperor, renounced everything and
decided to realise God, and, right at that
 moment, Maharshi Suka appeared, to guide
him straight to his goal. Similarly, when the
good Sishyas get good Gurus, they succeed
not only in attaining Bliss but also in conferring
peace, prosperity and joy upon the entire world.

- Baba


Saturday, 20 February 2010


Thought For The Day

The story of the Lord's adventures is
all nectar. It has no other component,
no other taste, no other content.
Everyone can drink their fill from any
part of that ocean of nectar, just as sugar
is sweet irrespective of whether it is eaten
during the day or night. For, it is day or
night only for the person who eats, not for
the sugar. Sugar behaves uniformly always.
So too, the love of God and the love for
God are both eternally sweet and pure,
whatever the method of accepting or attaining
them. The same sweetness exists, everywhere,
at all times, in every particle.

- Baba


Friday, 19 February 2010


Thought For The Day

True devotion consists in offering all your
thoughts and actions to God and yearning
for His grace. Devotion confined to a brief
spell in the Pooja room (shrine) or temple
is not true devotion. During that time,
devotion seems to swell within you and
you feel at peace but, once outside, the
peace is lost and anger takes its place. This
cannot be called devotion. Bhakti (Devotion)
has been described as a state of non-
separation from God. Regardless of time,
space or circumstance, one should feel
closeness to God - that is Bhakti. True
devotion transcends the limitations imposed
by one's daily routines and the obligations of

- Baba


Thursday, 18 February 2010


Thought For The day

The timeless soul which is beyond delusion
and darkness has to be cognised by every
person through his/her own efforts. You have
taken birth as inheritors of this estate of Eternal
Bliss. You are the dearly loved children of the
Lord. You are as pure and as sacred as air. Do
not condemn yourselves as sinners. You are lion
cubs, not sheep. You are wavelets of Immortality,
not bodies compounded from matter. Material
objects are there to serve you and do your bidding.
You should not serve them and do their bidding.

- Baba


Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Thought For The Day
Sacred activities like rituals and sacrifices
that are laid down in the Vedas (scriptures)
cannot confer Moksha (liberation). They
only help to cleanse one's consciousness.
It is said that they raise people to heaven.
But in the ultimate analysis, even heaven is
bondage; it does not promise eternal freedom.
The freedom that makes one aware of the truth,
of one's own truth, can be gained only through
Shravana (listening to the Guru), Manana
(ruminating over what has been listened to)
 and Nididhyasana (meditating on its validity
and significance). Only those who have detached
their minds from desire can benefit from Guru's
guidance; others cannot.

- Baba


Tuesday, 16 February 2010


Thought For The Day
Do not think that the Vedas (scriptures)
lay down a bundle of frightening rules
and regulations and laws. Every one of
them has been laid down by the Lord, as
the lawgiver. All elements in the Cosmos,
every particle everywhere, are acting every
moment as ordained by Him. This is what the
Vedas inform us. No worship can be higher
and more beneficial than serving the Lord.
One has to offer Love to Him, more Love
than one bears to anything else in this world
and the next. He must be loved as the One
and Only. He has to be remembered adoringly
with such Love. That is the fruit that real
education must result in.

- Baba


Monday, 15 February 2010


Thought For  The Day

Control of the body and senses can be achieved only
by spiritual practices and not by any other means.
You must avoid wasting precious time in useless
pursuits. You must be ever vigilant. You must engage
the senses of perception and action by performing
congenial and noble tasks to keep yourself busy. There
should be no room for sloth to creep in. Also, every
act must promote the good of others. Thus, while
performing your daily duties (Swa-dharma) in this
 manner, you can sublimate the body and senses,
and uplift yourself.

- Baba


Sunday, 14 February 2010

Shirady baba


Saturday, 13 February 2010

sri saththiya sai baba university


Friday, 12 February 2010



Thursday, 11 February 2010



Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Hand Sewing Stitches - Back Stitch



Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Addition 4

netharland national flag


Monday, 8 February 2010

Addition 3


children songs

Baa baa black sheep
              Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir
             Three bags full
One for my master
             And one for my dame
And none for the little boy
            Who cries down the lane .

Sunday, 7 February 2010

English Grammar - Lesson 1

Basic Addition

Learn Numbers

Waterfalls of Sri Lanka

Basic Algebra - Part 1


Saturday, 6 February 2010

paper flowers

fondant icing

make a dress- Part 1


Friday, 5 February 2010

German National Anthem

Flower Arrangements -1


Dress Placing the Pattern on Fabric

Teletubbies Dance

Small Threads Stitchville - 2


Thursday, 4 February 2010



Knitting -Beginners- 1. Slip Knot

to Cut a Dress Pattern

Larksfoot Crochet Pattern Stitch

Swami_Rock_TempleTrincomalee Srilanka


Sri-Lanka-Independence Day

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Flower Arrangements-2

Small Threads Stitchville - 1

Vegetable and Fruit Carvings


Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Buttercream


Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Tamil alphabet

sri Lanka

German National Anthem

Italy flag

Rubber Tree - Part 2


Monday, 1 February 2010

Measurements for a Dress

Benjamin Blümchen

plantin lleaf


Saree Blouse cutting stitching
